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The land needs stewards. Join us.

We believe people will look back on this period as a defining era for Tennessee. The land cannot speak for itself or tell its own stories.

That is why we are here. That is why we need:


When you make a financial gift, you not only help conserve land – you are also helping to make Tennessee a better place to live, work and play. Give now.


With hundreds of projects across the state, and counting, we cannot do it all alone. Learn more.


You can conserve your land while still owning and living on it, farming, fishing and hunting on it, and still sell it or pass it down to the next generation. Learn more.


Raise awareness on the importance of conservation and protecting Tennessee’s future by following us on social media and spreading the word. Facebook | Instagram | Twitter. Sign up for our e-newsletter here.

The Land Needs Stewards

The Land Trust for Tennessee and its extended family of supporters is taking responsibility for strategically protecting special places for the economic prosperity and public health of Tennessee communities. Places we cannot afford to lose. Thank you for being a champion for its protection.