Conservation Work on Signal Mountain
Our mission here at The Land Trust for Tennessee is to conserve the unique character of Tennessee’s natural and historic landscapes and sites for future generations.
A perfect example of that unique character is on Signal Mountain, at the far southern end of Walden’s Ridge, a 74-mile-long portion of the Cumberland Plateau. Our conservation work in this beautiful area dates back over 15 years, when we signed our first conservation agreement with a forward-thinking landowner. Since that time, we have permanently protected nearly 800 acres on the mountain through a diverse set of projects. Our work here represents a wide spectrum of conservation strategies, from public parks (including the classic Rainbow Lake – Signal Point hiking loop and Walden’s Ridge Park), to gorgeous private properties protected in coordination with their landowners, to the historic Conner Toll House, one of the few properties owned and maintained by LTTN. Each of these projects comes with the obligation of perpetual stewardship – we will protect these properties forever.
The conservation values found throughout this area are strong, with high amounts of biodiversity, rich historic and cultural resources, and dense forests that are highly resilient in the face of a changing climate. However, the mountain is experiencing rapidly increasing development pressure as the Chattanooga area grows. And so, our work here continues – we have multiple projects currently in the pipeline, and we continue to serve on the Cumberland Trail Task Force to help complete the 300-mile-long trail that passes through this area.